Reactive to Relaxed 6 online “Zoom” classes PLUS 2 “Field Trips” to be scheduled individually or small groups.
Yes, we can stay warm, and still teach our dogs at home, online, what to do instead of barking, jumping or lunging at the scary, or maybe just too exciting, things in the world! As a matter of fact, it often works better!
Designed to help dogs who go over the top about people, places, dogs, or other things in their life, learn to stay under control. This class primarily uses Leslie McDevitt’s Control Unleashed exercises and principles along with other useful information to help you teach your dog how to stay relaxed and in control in almost any situation. You’ll get personal attention, email access to the instructor between classes, and recording links for each session.
Class Schedule:
Zoom Sessions - Tuesdays January 24th through February 27th 6:15pm - 7:15pm
Field Trips - 2 One hour visits to a public location. To be scheduled with students based on their schedule, their dog’s readiness and needs. May be individual, or in small groups.